It’s the start of a new year and time to set your resolutions and goals. Be sure to include editing your closet. Here are 3 steps to editing your closet in the new year. Other than the beginning of the year, you should also go through a closet clean-out between Summer and Fall.
1: Edit
Go through your closet from one end to the other and make sure you pull out each and every item. Include everything from clothing, shoes, belts, socks and underwear. Create four piles:
A. Yes – You wear them, they are in good shape, they fit well, and you love them.
B. No – You haven’t warn them in a year or more, they don’t fit well, and you don’t really like them. As long as they are in pretty good shape, wash and donate them to someone in need. There are plenty of organizations that could use clothing. I like to find a local school or shelter that helps men get back on their feet but I do use Goodwill as a final option.
C. Alterations – You haven’t warn them because they need to be altered or repaired. (Get on it or move them up to “B”)
D. Maybe – You don’t have the right things to wear with them but you want to keep them for one more season. Make a note as to what you think you need to add in order to wear these items (see #3).
2: Storage

If you don’t have a lot of storage space or if you utilize multiple closets for your clothing, properly storing clothing is important. Make sure you empty all the pockets and have the items cleaned before you store them. Whenever I go through my clothing, I secretly hope to find that $20 bill that I left in a pocket, but, sadly, it’s usually just a gum wrapper that I forgot to throw away. I will put together another blog post later this year on proper clothing storage.
3: Wish List

Make a list of the things you want to add in your wardrobe to fill in the gaps. It’s always easy to pull inspirations from GQ, Esquire or even a J. Crew or Bonobos catalog you have laying around. Or, you can hire a haberdasher/stylist like myself to help you put this together.
Happy New Year