Now that is is cold in the morning, it’s time to talk outerwear for the professional. This is a simple guide to buying outerwear. I want to start by saying that The NorthFace (substitute any outdoor brand here) is a great clothing brand that not only makes great clothing but they support the preservation of the outdoors. That being said, there is a time and a place to wear your beloved The North Face jacket. If you work in an environment that requires a suit, slacks, or business casual then wearing your outdoor jacket, regardless of the brand, is not appropriate.
I know these jackets are warm and I have a versions of these by the ACG Nike brand but you will never see me wearing them with my slacks, chinos, or 5-pocket pants. You might see me wearing one with denim walking my dog.
There are a ton of great professional jacket options that are really versatile and run the gamut when it comes to price ranges. I offer custom that include rain jackets, pea coats, car and top coats. Or you can try these two ready-to-wear options featured in this post that come from my friends at the Suit Supply in Denver.
We will start with this Mid Gray Double Breasted Coat in wool. It has pea coat style wide collar and welted pockets. I love the light gray because it goes with everything. One thing to keep in mind when you are buying a coat like this is how you plan to layer underneath. If you layer with thick sweaters or wear an occasional sport coat or suit jacket, then I would recommend you size up accordingly. I always recommend bringing or wearing the layers when trying on jackets so you don’t buy the wrong size. I would normally wear a 44 without a layer but, since I wear a suit jacket, I would consider getting a 46.
This jacket is on the more elevated side but you can still dress it down with a pair of denim and a sneaker or cool boot. See the mannequin and I below. I like this option if you only have the budget to have one jacket.
For the guy that never wears a sport coat and the coat above is not your style, this Navy Down Jacket is cool. It is still more elevated then your outdoor technical jacket but you can easily wear it with a pair of slacks and dress shirt.

Quilted Jacket by Suit Supply
There are a few features that make this jacket pretty good. First of all you can remove the hood to give it a dresser look. It makes it look like a down sport coat. You can also zip out the two windstopper panels in the front if you want. This jacket can also easily be worn casually with denim and sneakers. Wear it to work or to happy hour and save your outdoor jacket for the mountains.